Saturday 15 February, 2025

Solo Piano Music >> MAIN MUSIC MENU

Examples of Solo/Piano Music - composition,
recording and performance by Lee Nicklen

New Year Piano Short 2012
A short piano piece for the New Year of 2012 as it approached.

DURATION: 2:02 | SIZE: 4.6 MB | CREATED: 31st December, 2011

Lee Nicklen - New Year Piano Short 2012Download Music

HSBC Sting's [x 8] by Lee Nicklen
8 short 7 second stings for a corporate video/graphic intro.

DURATION: 1:32 | SIZE: 3.4 MB | CREATED: 30th May, 2011

Lee Nicklen - HSBC Sting's [x8]Download Music

Ballentine Sonata by Lee Nicklen
This piece of music was composed for a promotional video for Ballentines Whiskey. Everything you hear is played using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted mother keyboard. Steinberg's Cubase VST was the 'central nervous system' used to compose this music which consists of an underlying piano theme with drums and bass uplifting the theme throughout.

Visit the video section to see the music project with the video.

DURATION: 2:52 | SIZE: 6.7 MB | CREATED: 16th June, 2011

Lee Nicklen - Ballentine SonataDownload Music

Piano - Short - (9th September 2011) by Lee Nicklen
A solo piano short improvisation piece. Everything you hear is played 'as live', unrehearsed and unhindered using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted keyboard. The sample source/sounds used are : NI Kontakt library: "Alicia Keys Piano" (Yamaha­™ C3 Neo grand piano) + a Omni Chord sample patch gently in the background mix - used as a wooden 'reverb/piano chassis ambience' by accident. Recorded quickly on-the-fly; live - using an old copy of Steinberg's Cubase and the "Alicia Keys Piano" (Yamaha­™ C3 Neo grand piano) library triggered via Native Instruments Kontakt.

DURATION: 0:53 | SIZE: 2.1 MB | CREATED: 9th Setember, 2011

Lee Nicklen - Piano Short (Yamaha­™ C3 Neo grand piano)Download Music

Piano Malmsjö by Lee Nicklen
A solo piano composition - with an improvised structure and thoughtful expressive movement. Everything you hear is played 'as live' and unrehearsed using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted keyboard. Recorded pretty much on-the-fly 'as-live' using an old copy of Steinberg's Cubase and the Malmsjö Acoustic Grand Piano library triggered via GigaStudio.

DURATION: 4:23 | SIZE: 6.1 MB | CREATED: 14th February, 2009

Lee Nicklen - Piano MalmsjöDownload Music

Piano - Grandioso - Steinway Model D by Lee Nicklen
A solo piano composition - a short improvised piece of piano music. Everything you hear is played 'as live' and unrehearsed using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted keyboard. Recorded pretty much on-the-fly 'as-live' using an old copy of Steinberg's Cubase and the Steinway Model D Grand Piano library triggered via GigaStudio.

DURATION: 0:53 | SIZE: 6.1 MB | CREATED: 27th Setember, 2002

Lee Nicklen - Piano - Grandioso - Steinway Model DDownload Music

Rhodes Jammed - (16th October 2004) by Lee Nicklen
A solo piano short improvisation piece. Everything you hear is played 'as live', unrehearsed and unhindered using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted keyboard. The sample source/sounds used are the Scarbee Rhodes sample set via the GigaStudio software sampler and Cubase for recording. Recorded quickly on-the-fly; live - using an old copy of Steinberg's Cubase.

DURATION: 1:34 | SIZE: 1.8 MB | CREATED: 16th October, 2004

Lee Nicklen - Rhodes JammedDownload Music

Reprisal by Lee Nicklen
A solo piano short improvisational piece. Everything you hear is played 'as live', unrehearsed and unhindered using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted keyboard. GigaStudio software sampler and Cubase was used for recording. Recorded quickly on-the-fly; live - using an old copy of Steinberg's Cubase.

DURATION: 1:10 | SIZE: 1.3 MB | CREATED: 13th August, 2006

Lee Nicklen - ReprisalDownload Music

PMI Steinway (Test Play) by Lee Nicklen
A solo piano short improvisational piece. Everything you hear is played 'as live', unrehearsed and unhindered using a Fatar Studio 900 weighted keyboard. GigaStudio software sampler and Cubase was used for recording.

DURATION: 1:01 | SIZE: 1.1 MB | CREATED: 11th February, 2003

Lee Nicklen - PMI Steinway (Test Play)Download Music

© of Lee Nicklen (Kayotix) 2025